Bible Study classes are an integral part of Care Church. By joining a class, you will connect with the Care Church community and grow your faith in a supportive environment.
Sunday Classes
Classes meet on Sunday mornings at 9:00 am at the church building.
Cross Training - Meets in Room 211
A look at the writings of the New Testament authors to strengthen believers in various aspects of becoming more spiritually fit.
Following Jesus - Meets in Room 103
Lessons focused on stories about Jesus and his disciples.
Wednesday Nights
Classes meet at 7:00 pm at the church building.
My Favorite Bible Story - Meets in The Commons
Each week, someone different from our church will share their favorite Bible story. We will have the opportunity to be shaped by Scripture and encouraged by the experiences of each other.
On Wednesday night, the youth group gathers in the Student Lounge from 7-8pm for a devotional that includes a brief message, a song or two, and a whole lot of prayer.