Care Classes 2025
On Sundays at 9 am, we have a new adult class entitled “Experiencing The Psalms” meeting upstairs in room 211 (west end of the building). Make this class a part of your efforts for observing “A Healthy Prayer Diet for 2025”. We also have “Following Jesus,” which is a class meeting in Room 103.​
On Wednesdays at 7 pm, we have a “Witnesses” class focusing on learning from Paul’s missionary journeys in Acts. We also have Celebrate Recovery and the Midweek Meetup for students in the lounge.

Women's Class Tuesdays thru April 1
"God of Covenant", Genesis 12-28
Judi Sparks leads a discussion class, "God of Covenant Study Part 1, Genesis 12 - 28", on Tuesday evenings on Tuesdays, Feb 11 thru March 11. This class meets at 6:30 PM in the Youth Lounge. No book needed, just bring your Bible. If you missed the first part, no problem...just join us!

Men's Retreat - Save the date!
Friday April 4 and Saturday April 5
Men, Add this year's Men's Retreat to your calendar. Watch for more details as we get closer to that weekend.
- Manny