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Care Church Way of Life

What does it mean to be a part of Care Church? What is our way of life?

Our Way of Life is organized around the three phrases of our mission statement - Sharing Christ, Loving Others, Changing Lives - and represents how we cultivate more faithfulness to the process of discipleship. We want this Way of Life to increase our joy, generate more gratitude for how God's Spirit is moving among us, and create space in our lives for spiritual transformation.

Each phrase is defined missionally, rooted in a story from Scripture, captured in an image, and expressed in our expectations for what we do together and on our own as a part of this church.

Sharing Christ

To share Christ together and with others, and we do this intergenerationally (kids, students, all ages).

  • The Story: The Road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35)

  • The Image: The Table represents our intention to be known for extending God's care to each other and
    our community. We want our time around God's Table (Communion) each Sunday to transform
    our time around all tables.


  • The Expectation: 

    • Communal Practice: We show up to Sunday worship (in-person & online), and one Sunday morning

    • each month, we have special worship experiences that are important to attend.​

    • Personal Habit: We spend time with God daily (pray, Bible, worship).


Loving Others

To love everyone so we can be a place of welcome and walk together toward transformation.

  • The Story: Love God & Neighbor (Mark 12:28-34; Matt. 22:34-40; Luke 10:25-37; John 15:1-17)

  • The Image: The Open Door represents our intention to demonstrate love by sharing life together
    and create a place of belonging for everyone.


  • The Expectation: 

    • Communal Practice: We join and participate in a small group(s) focused on discipleship.

    • Personal Habit: We bring others along with us (studies, conversations, & experiences).


Changing Lives

To partner with God in transforming lives (ours & others) by serving others and using our gifts.

  • The Story: The Transformed Life (Romans 12:1-21; 2 Corinthians 3:17-18; Galatians 5:22-26)

  • The Image: The Richardson Area and beyond represents our intention to be a blessing to our neighbors,
    and we do this by prioritizing personal transformation and community facing ministries.


  • The Expectation: 

    • Communal Practice: We give our time to volunteer for a Care Church ministry/mission.

    • Personal Habit: We give our money to support God's work through this church. 


Care Church Glossary

The Care Church Glossary helps those who are new to know what we mean by our words, practices, and beliefs. 

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